To our CVCF members and friends,

Happy Spring and thank you for your support of Chula Vista Community Foundation (CVCF)! We are so grateful to be able to make a difference year after year, and it’s directly attributed to the spirit and generosity of our members.

Our grants committee, led by chair Shauna Stokes, did a remarkable job evaluating 75 applications and completing several site visits with wonderful nonprofits over the past few months. After reviewing the membership vote, we are excited to announce this cycle’s grantees and celebrate together on May 16 at Common Theory in Chula Vista.

This year will mark over $700,000 granted out by CVCF to deserving organizations since 2011! The annual grants celebration is the best way to learn about the impact your dollars make in our community. If you haven’t done so, please RSVP below. We encourage everyone to bring friends and neighbors and look forward to seeing you all there!

Register Today

With gratitude,
Lisa Johnson
CVCF Board Chair

Thank you to all who joined us at our Membership Mixer in February!

CVCF Member Mixer

Grantee Spotlight

We are so proud of all of our grantee organizations’ amazing work in the community! We recently received an update from the field:

In fall 2023, thanks to a grant from CVCF, Tariq Khamisa Foundation (TKF) brought a Restorative Workshop Curriculum series to 239 ninth-grade students at Chula Vista High School. Initial feedback from teachers and administrators at the school has been overwhelmingly positive! Earlier this month, TKF also launched the Restorative Workshop Curriculum at Chula Vista Middle School, which will serve an additional 300 young people. We anticipate adding one more school site in the final semester of the grant cycle.

Additionally, TKF will offer supplementary resources such as teacher training workshops, informative presentations for parents, and their signature Peacemaker Assembly. These additional offerings are designed to reinforce the core messages and practical skills imparted during our classroom sessions.

“Chula Vista Community Foundation’s endorsement of our work gives us increased credibility within the community. Additionally, promotion of this funding has increased the visibility of our program offerings and brand. All these efforts have helped us leverage additional funding for this program and all our services.” -Stephanie Goebel, Director of Philanthropy